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sustainable wastewater treatment

Evac MBR: Zero waste. Zero emissions.

Evac MBR is the safest wastewater treatment solution for your vessels and our oceans. Upgrade to MBR today to comply with incoming regulations, reduce your emissions, and save space for your core business activities.

Meet your zero emissions target and sail ahead of regulations


Conventional wastewater treatment consumes a lot of energy, offers minimal treatment, and produces low-quality effluent that often fails to meet tightening regulatory standards, negatively impacting marine ecosystem stability.

You are managing multiple moving pieces outside your core business and you need a proven, one-stop solution partner capable of addressing all your wastewater management needs.


Evac MBR produces high-quality effluent that meets and exceeds regulatory requirements 98% of the time, consumes 10% less energy that its counterparts, and has a 22% lower total carbon footprint.

Evac MBR is a proven technology, installed on over 1,000 vessels. Meet your sustainability targets and reduce the environmental footprint of your business with Evac today!

Evac Talk

Evac MBR and the marine wastewater management

Key takeaways

Future proof to #BraveTheHighSeas

MBR delivers stable effluent quality that exceeds regulations 98% of the time, ensuring maximum lifetime value for your investment.

99% removal rate of suspended particles

MBR removes nutrients and is 20% more effective than conventional methods in removing suspended particles, including microplastics.

30% less onboard space usage

With a modular and compact design, MBR offers flexible scalability while allowing more space for your core business activities.

Protecting life below water

By preventing nutrients from entering our oceans, MBR ensures a stable ecosystem and oxygen levels for a thriving life below water.

What makes Evac® different?

integrated portfolio

We have by far the largest waste and water management technology portfolio in the industry with 150 patents under our belt.

global operations

We have a presence on every marketable continent, represented in 70 countries, with offices in 14 of them worldwide.

world-class reputation

We work with a prestigious customer base, gaining diverse exposure to various end-markets, which ensures our growth and stability.

innovation and sustainability

Sustainability is how we measure our success, so we innovate with the future in mind to ensure that our customers stay one step ahead.

Contact Evac MBR sales

Share a little bit about yourself, and let our expert team show you how Evac MBR can help you achieve your sustainability goals and lead a future-proof business today and tomorrow.

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