protect your vessel from harmful biofouling
What is marine growth prevention?

Marine growth prevention eliminates the settlement of macro biofouling organisms on the ship’s interior piping systems, thus creating less waste due to the longer lifecycle of the pipes.
Our Cathelco® marine growth prevention systems (MGPSs) for seawater pipework are easy and economical to install, and they can be found on more than 50,000 ships worldwide. Designed to eliminate blockages caused by barnacle and mussel growth in seawater cooling lines, the systems are available for vessels of every size including mini systems for luxury yachts.
How does marine growth prevention work?
Marine growth prevention systems (MGPSs), also known as antifouling systems, usually consist of pairs of copper and aluminium anodes, mounted in sea chests or strainers and connected to a control panel. In operation, the copper anode produces ions that are carried by the flow of seawater, creating an environment where barnacles and mussels will not settle or multiply.
By introducing copper ions in very small concentrations, around two parts per billion, the system interrupts the settlement sequence of mussel and barnacle larvae. Instead of adhering to the surface of sea chests, strainers, and pipework, the larvae pass harmlessly through the cooling water system to the discharge point. Without antifouling protection, pipes can become encrusted with organisms, leading to a blockage that reduces the efficiency of the seawater cooling system.

Why choose Cathelco® products?
Guaranteed quality
Cathelco® marine growth prevention systems (MGPSs) for seawater pipework are easy and economical to install, and they can be found on more than 50,000 ships worldwide. Designed to eliminate blockages caused by barnacle and mussel growth in seawater cooling lines, the systems are available for vessels of every size including mini systems for luxury yachts.
Compliant with regulation
Owners and operators of vessels sailing in European waters must ensure that their marine growth prevention systems comply with the EU Biocides Regulation 528/2012. Cathelco® is one of the few companies listed under Article 95. This makes installing genuine Cathelco® equipment and anodes a safe way to ensure regulatory compliance.
Life-time warranty
In line with the strategic mission of greater sustainability, Evac has introduced a life-time warranty for its Cathelco® range of marine growth prevention (MGPS) systems. The life-time warranty has been driven by the demand from customers for reliable products which deliver optimal performance for longer periods of time.
Our sustainability spearhead product: MGPS Quantum Panel
With Quantum touch screen panels, comprehensive information about the performance of the anti-fouling system is available at your fingertips. It means that everything is easier to monitor and control, saving time and effort for ships’ engineers.

Discover our products for marine growth prevention
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Systems, spares and service
- Corrosion Protection systems (ICCP systems)
- Marine Growth Prevention Systems (MGPS)
- Reverse Osmosis Desalinators (Cathelco Seafresh)