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SolutionsCorrosion protection

Impressed current cathodic protection

Addressing hull corrosion for enhanced vessel performance and durability

protect your vessel from hull corrosion

What is Impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP)?

Modern hull coatings provide some protection against corrosion, but they are not a complete solution. For this reason, most operators choose to protect their vessels with a purpose-designed impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) system. Our Cathelco® hull corrosion protection systems have been designed for various vessel types: Commercial and cruise ships, passanger vessels and ferries with steel or aluminium hulls, naval vessels, fishing vessels and other workboats and luxury yachts.

How does impressed current cathodic protection work?

Using an arrangement of hull-mounted anodes and reference cells connected to one or more control panels, the system produces a more powerful external current to suppress the natural electro-chemical activity on the wet surface of the hull. This eliminates the formation of aggressive corrosion cells on the plate surfaces, avoiding problems that can exist where dissimilar metals are either combined through welding or brought into proximity by other components such as propellers.

What are the benefits of impressed current cathodic protection?

Cathelco’s corrosion protection systems are designed to automate the current output while the voltage output is varied. This allows protection levels to be maintained as seawater resistivity alters. In a sacrificial anode system, increases in seawater resistivity can cause a decrease in the anode output, and in turn in the level of protection offered. With an ICCP system, protection does not decrease across the standard range of seawater encountered.

An essential feature of our Cathelco ICCP systems is that they constantly monitor the electrical potential at the interface between the seawater and the hull, carefully adjusting the output to the anodes in response. Therefore, the system is much more effective and reliable than a sacrificial anode system, where the level of protection is unknown and impossible to control.

Why choose Cathelco® ICCP technology?

Effective and reliable

Cathelco® ICCP systems constantly monitor the electrical potential at the interface between the seawater and the hull. Therefore, the system is much more effective and reliable than a sacrificial anode system, where the level of protection is unknown and impossible to control.

Significant savings

By installing a Cathelco® C-Shield system, operators can make significant savings in hull maintenance costs and also reduce fuel costs thanks to a smooth hull surface. Furthermore, increased hull integrity safeguards the owner’s investment and increases safety.

Lifetime warranty

Evac has introduced a lifetime warranty for its Cathelco® range of impressed current cathodic protection (ICCP) systems. The lifetime warranty has been driven by the demand from customers for reliable products which deliver optimal performance for longer periods of time.

Our sustainability spearhead product: ICCP Quantum Panel

The ICCP Quantum Control Panel is a thyristor system housed in a range of different-sized cabinets. The system comprises a control PCB, a Thyristor PCB and a Thyristor unit. The ICCP Modular Control Panel is housed in a range of different-sized cabinets. The system comprises a control module and at least a 100A power module, with standard output ratings in multiples of 100A. Systems larger than 500A will require more than one cabinet. The supply requirements are 380, 400, 440 Vac +/- 10%, 3 phase, 50/60 Hz. 

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