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Our role in the society

Waste, pollution, and climate change pose unprecedented challenges for our oceans, and the planet is facing increasingly scarce freshwater resources. To combat these challenges, our society needs innovations and new technologies. Evac’s solutions help its customers become more sustainable by eliminating waste, conserving water, and mitigating emissions.

Sustainability is at the core of our research and product development. In our sustainability work, we are strongly driven by our mission to enable a future with no waste. The ambition guides our everyday efforts to provide sustainable solutions for the benefit of our customers and the whole planet. Together with our customers and partners, we strive for a future with no waste.

Evac Sustainability Report

Evac Sustainability Report 2023 is available

Evac sustainability program

Evac’s approach to sustainability is strategically aligned with the key material topics and an ambitious goal to strive for a future with no waste. Guided by our sustainability program and our pledge to advance the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we channel our efforts across the entire Evac Group. 

Evac has anchored its operations in responsible business practices, focusing on the safety and well-being of its employees, climate and energy, and ethical operations across its own and supply chain operations.  

Our ambitious sustainability agenda is not just about minimizing negative impacts but maximizing positive contributions to people, the planet, and prosperity. Moreover, we aspire to catalyse industry-wide transformation by sharing our expertise and driving broader shifts toward sustainability within the maritime and building sectors. 

Evac’s sustainability program

The UN SDGs we can influence the most

Partnering with the industry and academia

Partnering with like-minded actors across and outside our industry increases the positive impact of our actions. We proactively seek opportunities to cooperate with customers, suppliers, academia, and other actors who are committed to sustainable development. As an expert in environmental protection, our own research activities play a crucial role in the development of future technologies. We continuously look for ways to ensure that our solutions help our customers reduce their ecological footprint and the impacts on the whole value chain.

Early March 2023, Evac was granted public funding from Business Finland for a new industry cluster project focusing on the circular economy. Evac’s objective is to create, concept, and evaluate future-proof sustainable waste management concepts for cruise ships. The new solution could maximize the material recovery for the circular economy and increase the recycling rate of the world’s largest cruise ships, even up to 70%

Nothing to waste

You can read more about our sustainability approach in the sections about Sustainable solutions and Responsible business practices and about our governance model on Sustainability governance and stakeholder engagement.

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