Cathelco® MGPS Yacht Systems
The microsystem eliminates blockages in seawater engine cooling systems caused by barnacles and mussels and has been designed for larger luxury yachts with a number of seawater inlets. The system is based on the electrolytic principle and creates copper ions giving a dosage of just 2 parts per billion which prevent barnacles and mussels from settling and growing in seawater lines. Its effectiveness has been proved on some of the largest luxury yachts in the world over a period of more than 30 years. Systems can be supplied solely for anti-fouling or as dual-purpose units combining anti-fouling and corrosion suppression features.
- Superior MGPS system for yachts
- Eliminates blockages in seawater engine cooling systems
- Lifetime warranty
- Easy to install & maintain
- No hot work required
- Compact designs
- Can be changed without dry docking
- Systems are all individually designed based on Faraday’s law to ensure a flow rate is dosed with a specific amount of copper ions per cubic meter an hour.
- Anodes are then sized based on the area of installation and the ease of installation
- All installations come with mountings that adhere to class requirements in the area of installation
- Control panels are located to ensure that we regulate the copper ions per channel.
Prevents pipework bio-fouling by barnacles and mussels (soft shell fouling). Suppresses corrosion in pipework(in dual-purpose systems). Requires minimum attention from the crew. Easy to install at newbuilding or retrofit. Can be powered from the yacht’s battery supply (12V to 24V d.c.) or 220V/110V single phase. Copper anodes – used to protect pipework against bio-fouling. Aluminium anodes – provide corrosion suppression in steel pipework. Ferrous anodes – provide corrosion suppression in cupro-nickel pipework. Nylon mounting sleeves to fit easily into steel or plastic strainer lids.
The Nano system is the latest step in miniaturisation, enabling the control panel and anodes to be easily and economically fitted in areas where space is limited. Systems are custom-made for their applications to provide anti-fouling only or a combination of anti-fouling and corrosion suppression. A variety of anode types are available to fit within the smallest strainers, including anodes with integral cathodes for plastic strainers. Easy to install, the Nano System brings peace of mind to owners of luxury yachts from just 20ft upwards.

Evac Lifecycle Management
For all our systems and solutions, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of services throughout the operational life of the delivered solution or equipment.